Savolainen megugrotta a szintet
A finn női válogatott játékosa ? aki nem mellesleg Jókai Szilágyi Zsófia csapattársa a Luleánál ? átugrotta egy harmadik klubtársuk, a svéd Johanna Fallman botját.
The Best Gear for Survival Back in the day, people could live off the land and the tactics to survive in the wilderness were part of people?s common knowledge but the advancements introduced by technology and the lifestyle brought by our modern society has become the number one reason for people to lose interest in being connected with nature and how to live like our ancestors did. Go to https://rotorm.com if you need best surival gear, tools, gadgets, equipment, and other survival products. Once you?ve begun to stockpile survival gear, it can be hard to determine what you?re missing from your list.
Fotó: Matt Zambonin (HHOF-IIHF Images)
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